โœจ new new โœจ

January is almost over but it really feels like the year started like a week ago with me watching Incredibles 2 and listening to the fireworks outside. In all honestly that was an amazing way to start the year. But I’m actually posting this on the Lunar New Year so technically not late.

Image result for new year's resolution"

So, probably for the first time in my life I’ve actually made New Year’s Resolutions! Mostly about getting my shit together because I’m actually going to be 21 this year and besides the whole being able to drink thing, which, tbh I’m not really interested in, I feel like I should maybe be an actual adult.

So as a result! This blog has come into existence! I would have just continued on one of my other blogs or something but they have so many other childish memories attached to them since I’ve had them for years. (And also the cringey writings I’ve done since middle-school but we’ll pretend those don’t exist). Additionally those blogs are kind of depressing so…

Image result for new"

Some other resolutions:

  • go to class looking like an actual human being AKA not wearing sweats and actually doing some makeup
  • clean my room… regularly… also laundry… regularly…
  • skincare, skincare, and more skincare
  • do! work! on! time!
  • and basically more self-care i guess…

I might already be failing at like 2 of those but hey, no one is perfect okay? Anyway, I’ve never made a proper first post before so idk how this works. I’m just going to go and do homework now. Also may use this blog to do homework for a class so…

Image result for bye"
(yes pusheen is superior)

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